Step 1: Please fill out the form below & provide answers requested.
Once this information has been provided, the PTC will receive additional instructions to configure a Secure FTP Client and the required credentials to access the site. Any SFTP client (Windows, Mac, Linux, Apple OS, etc) may be used. An example of how to configure the connection is below using the WinSCP client.
Step 2: Secure FTP Client instructions.
Download WinSCP
Make sure you use the link on the download page highlighted in yellow.
Step 3: Install WINSCP.
Step 4: Fill out pertinent information in WINSCP.
A. File Protocol: “SFTP”
B. HostName: (Note: You may also use the IP address
C. Port Number: 22
D. Username: For this example, we used MsparkTest. You will receive an email from an Mspark contact that will provide your username.
E. Click on the “Advanced” tab and then “Authentication.”
F. A second email will be sent from an Mspark contact with a PPK file. Save the file to a preferred location on your PC. Click on the “…” button to navigate to the saved PPK file and click “OK.”
G. Hit “Save”, and then immediately click on the “Login” link.
H. When uploading files to Mspark, zip the creative files in a folder and label with the advertiser or piece name and the upload date, then drop the files in the “local” folder. Files from Mspark will be accessible in the “downloads” folder.